Friday, 11 September 2009


This is my twelfth blog. I know, so much has happened. What a journey we've shared. Whisked through a landscape of emotion, thrown through a universe of thought by my words and your ability to read. What a team we make. Like I'm a Cartographer in a World of TomToms (pun intended)

But what have we learnt?

What's the point in these blogs an' that?

For me, simply the ability to write 'twelfth', an expression I would like to mean an affluence of Toms, Tom's treasure, Tom'sTomToms, Tom's wealth = TWELFTH

For you, something different? Perhaps the gift of insight into another's feelings, concerns and joys. But more likely, it's that you're bored of refreshing your Facebook and nothing changing. But fear no more, I promise an imminent status update. Happy days